Seasonal Health: Ritucharya in Ayurvedic Living

According to Ayurveda, Ritucharya refers to seasonal routines or lifestyle practices that are tailored to each season. Ayurveda believes that each season has its unique qualities that deeply influence our body, mind, and spirit. By aligning our lifestyle with the changing seasons, we can most naturally support our health and well-being.
Unlike the four seasons we commonly know, Ayurveda recognizes two additional seasons. Shishir Ritu (Winter), Vasant Ritu (Spring), Grishma Ritu (Summer), Varsha Ritu (Monsoon), Sharad Ritu (Autumn/ Fall), and Hemant Ritu (Late Autumn/Pre-Winter) are the six seasons according to Ayurveda. Our predominant dosha increases during the season it governs, so it is crucial to choose foods and activities that will pacify and not aggravate it.
Ayurveda teaches us that our bodies are a part of nature and dependant on it for our health and wellbeing. There are plenty of things that change as the season changes and can affect our health in subtle ways. Therefore, seasonal care is necessary to avoid any health problems. The seasonal detox helps improve our physical strength and mental capability to fight diseases due to seasonal changes. Besides, it balances all three doshas in our body and keeps us fit and healthy throughout the year.
These seasonal therapies cleanse the body from the cellular level, promoting detoxification and rejuvenation. According to Ayurveda, a nutrient-rich diet and lifestyle modification can balance Tridoshas and keep us healthy and fit during the rainy season. By honouring the natural rhythms of the seasons, we can nourish our bodies, minds, and spirits in harmony with the world around us, fostering health, vitality, and a deeper connection to the universe.